Kickstart Your Business with Proven Funnels, Templates, and Expert Guidance

Funnels in a Box

sustainable growth for your business

Forget quick fixes and empty promises. Let’s talk about building a solid business foundation that sets you up for long-term success. Welcome to Funnels in a Box.

You’re working tirelessly to kickstart your business and see real growth. It’s challenging. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed, or perhaps every new approach feels like a shot in the dark. You don’t need more information; you need actionable tools and expert guidance. Sound familiar? Funnels in a Box is designed just for you.

What Sets Funnels in a Box Apart?

Templates that Convert

Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to proven templates that drive results. Our expertly designed sales funnel templates are ready to be customized to fit your unique business needs.

Step-by-step Guidance

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, our comprehensive step-by-step instructions will guide you through every stage of creating and optimizing your funnels.

Hundreds of Swipe Files

Access our collection of high-impact swipe files, including email sequences, ad copy, and landing page examples that have been tested and proven to convert.

Fully Sustainable

Funnels in a Box is committed to helping you build a business that thrives in the long run. Our strategies are designed for longevity, emphasizing responsible growth and sustainable practices.

Expert Insights

Gain exclusive access to insights and strategies from industry experts who have mastered the art of funnel building. Learn from the best to ensure your funnels are set up for success.

Our Track Record Speaks For Itself

Ever heard of PowerUp Media? Maybe not, but we’ll fill you in. We’re a marketing agency that’s been all about boosting businesses to new heights—think hitting those 6, 7, and even 8-figure milestones. Our team has been deep in the game, working across various industries and picking up insights and strategies that really move the needle.

Now, here’s the twist. While doing all this, we’ve met hundreds of ambitious business owners who were just not ready for the full-blown agency approach. They needed help setting up the foundations, sure, but something with a more approachable price tag.

That sparked an idea. What if we could extend a helping hand to those folks, too? What if we could share our expertise in a way that’s a bit more accessible? And that’s exactly why we created Funnels in a Box.

Funnels in a Box is our way of reaching out to the up-and-comers, the dreamers who are serious about growing but need just the right tools and guidance to get there. It’s about providing support that’s practical, affordable, and, most importantly, effective. Consider it your gateway to getting the kind of results we’ve seen while building funnels at PowerUp Media.

So, if you’re gearing up to take your business to the next level and looking for that partner in your corner, welcome to Funnels in a Box. We’re here to make sure your journey to success is as smooth and as promising as it should be.

Industries We've Empowered

At Funnels in a Box, we pride ourselves on our extensive experience across a diverse array of industries. Our insights and tools have been tested and refined, helping businesses in various sectors not only to meet but exceed their growth objectives.

Coaching and Personal Brands
We’ve helped coaches and influencers solidify their presence and expand their reach, turning personal expertise into profitable enterprises.
From small online boutiques to large e-commerce platforms, our strategies have boosted sales, optimized customer journeys, and scaled operations effectively.
Automotive Services
We’ve driven growth for auto repair shops, dealerships, and service centers through targeted marketing and customer engagement strategies.
Real Estate
Our real estate clients have seen enhanced lead generation and sales conversion thanks to our specialized marketing approaches that attract and retain buyers and sellers.
Health and Wellness
From fitness coaches to wellness clinics, we’ve crafted campaigns that genuinely engage and convert, promoting healthier lifestyles and growing businesses.
Contractors and Construction
We’ve supported builders, contractors, and construction firms in project management and client acquisition, helping them build a solid foundation for their business.

Funnels In a Box is Right For You If…


If you’re new to the business world and need a solid foundation in marketing, Funnels in a Box provides the essential tools and guidance to get you started on the right foot.

You're overwhelmed by information overload

There’s no shortage of advice out there, but finding relevant, actionable tools and guidance for your unique business needs is another story. We simplify the process.


You want ready-to-use templates, swipe files, and step-by-step guides that you can implement today, not someday.


You’re looking for actionable insights and strategies from industry experts to ensure your funnels are set up for success.


You aim to build a sustainable business with long-term success, and you need proven strategies to get there.


You’re looking for a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to building and scaling your business. Funnels in a Box delivers practical, effective solutions without the unnecessary complexity.

Building Success Together

At Funnels in a Box, we believe that the foundation of business success lies in having the right tools and guidance. That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive course that provides you with everything you need to build and scale your business. Our program combines expertly designed templates, actionable swipe files, and step-by-step guidance to help you achieve real, sustainable growth.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your marketing strategies, Funnels in a Box offers the resources and insights you need to succeed. Forget about trial and error—our proven system is designed to streamline your efforts and get you results faster.

Let’s face it: the journey to success is much more rewarding when you have the right tools at your disposal. Join Funnels in a Box and equip yourself with the knowledge and resources you need to thrive in the business world.

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